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The aim of different workshops is to bring people together in a fun and relaxed way.  Many mums never take time out for themselves so we've introduced a mum's challenge to get mum's out of the house and in a space where they can let their hair down and have some fun.


As our lifestyles become more sedentary it's important to get more exercise.  If you are like me, I hate the gym and always said that if I was going to start exercising it would have to be dance as it's fun.  


Not only will we have dance workshops but also workshops that promote overall well-being which will enhance both physical and mental growth.  We are not very good at relationships in today's world and as a result, communities struggle with a lot of social problems.  This affects the youth especially!  We would like to get active participation from youth and let them be the leaders of their own destinies by giving them the necessary life skills to make correct decisions.


Change can only be brought about if there is participation from all ages and sectors of communities. There's a great need to stop dwelling on the negatives and actively start focusing on the positives.


If you have any further suggestions for workshops, we would be happy to get feedback from you.

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