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Chanelle Cominetti

Chanelle, back row 2nd from left.

Chanelle Cominetti

Chanelle, 3rd from left

Chanelle Cominetti

Chanelle, first row, far right

Irish1st Place

First Place for Irish Dancing

School Award

Chanelle & Principal (Mr Kruger) for Award 1st place Irish Dancing

Chanelle Cominetti

Irish Dancing

Chanelle Cominetti

Miss Wordsworth High Competition

Chanelle Cominetti

Miss Wordsworth Competition

Chanelle Cominetti

Miss Wordsworth Competition

Chanelle Cominetti

Miss Wordsworth Competition

Chanelle Cominetti

Miss Wordsworth Competition

Chanelle Cominetti

Miss Wordsworth Competition

Chanelle Cominetti

Ballet - Peter Pan

Chanelle Cominetti

Farrarmere Primary Farewell

Chanelle Cominetti

Farrarmere Primary Farewell

Chanelle Cominetti

Farrarmere Primary Farewell

Chanelle Cominetti

Head Girl, Farrarmere Primary

Chanelle Cominetti

A little glimpse into the life that was Chanelle's.  She had a larger than life personality without a single pretentious bone in her body. She played tennis, did gymnastics, netball too, but we drew the line at soccer.  With her it was constantly go, go, go from a very early age.  Her dream was to become a professional dancer or actress.  Anything Chanelle tried out for she was naturally gifted at and always excelled.  What makes these accomplishments extra special was the fact that Chanelle suffered from severe asthma from a very early age.


Chanelle got into Irish dancing by accident.  She went to a class with one of her friends who had danced for some years and while her friend was busy with class Chanelle was imitating everything they did at the back of the hall.  The teacher stopped the class and called her over and asked her where she was studying Irish dancing and didn't believe Chanelle when she said she had never had a lesson.  To cut a long story short she called me that evening to confirm what Chanelle said and immediately told us that she wanted her to join.  My mom and I made every excuse in the book as my mum was driving her back and forth from extracurricular activities but this teacher would not take no for an answer.  Needless to say about three months later Chanelle attended South African Nationals in Durban and got the bronze medal and that only because she got the time wrong for one of her dances and missed it!


Chanelle did gymnastics for about six weeks when she was entered into a competition and again won a bronze medal.


She definitely followed in her fathers' footsteps as he was a star athlete, cricketer, squash player, skier, ice hockey player and excellent soccer player in Italy.  He tried out for AC Milan but could not fulfill his dream because his dad wanted him home after school.


Chanelle's Aunt was also an excellent gymnast so she definitely had it in her genetic makeup.


We hope you enjoy this little peek into her life.

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